
Maraviroc: A coreceptor CCR5 antagonist for management of HIV infection


Hpy (HAART) has revolutionized the treatment of human immu- nodeficiency virus (HIV) infection over the past 10 years. Patients and clinicians have more choices in an- tiretroviral agents now than in the early 1990s or even at the beginning of this decade. New agents for previ- ously identified drug targets, such as reverse transcriptase and protease, have been approved for marketing, along with a new fusion inhibitor and integrase inhibitor. Despite these advances in the treatment of HIV, the complete eradication of infection with the virus is still not possible. In- creasing resistance, nonadherence to medications, and toxicity have fueled virological failure and the need for additional agents active against HIV. The concept of HIV-entry inhibition was introduced into practice in 2003 with the approval of enfuvirtide, the first HIV fusion inhibitor.1 Corecep- tor CCR5 antagonists, which provide a novel mechanism of action, are a recent addition to the armamentarium of antiretroviral agents.

Maraviroc (Selzentry, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY) was approved for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on August 6,Purpose. The mechanism of action, phar- macology, pharmacokinetics, clinical ef- ficacy, drug interactions, adverse effects, dosage and administration, cost, and role in therapy of maraviroc are reviewed.


Maraviroc is the first CCR5 core- ceptor antagonist to receive marketing ap- proval from the Food and Drug Administra- tion (FDA) for the treatment of CCR5-tropic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection as part of an optimized antiret- roviral regimen in treatment-experienced patients. As 50% or more of treatment- experienced patients may be infected with CXCR4-tropic virus, a tropism assay should be performed before initiating maraviroc therapy. The majority of evidence support- ing maraviroc’s use comes from two studies of HIV-infected, treatment-experienced patients. Pooled analysis from these two studies revealed that twice-daily maraviroc decreased HIV-1 RNA by 1.84 log copies/ mL, compared with 0.78 log copy/mL with placebo. Forty-six percent of subjects attained an HIV-1 RNA concentration of <50 copies/mL, compared with only 2007, for use in combination with other antiretroviral agents in the treatment of HAART-experienced adult patients whose HIV infection is resistant to multiple classes of anti- retroviral drugs. In addition, maravi- roc is labeled for use only in patients 17% with placebo. In a trial of treatment- naive HIV-infected individuals, maraviroc failed to show noninferiority to efavirenz. Maraviroc is metabolized by cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme 3A4 and is subject to inter- actions with inhibitors and inducers of that isoenzyme, such as the protease inhibitors (except tipranavir), efavirenz, and rifampin. Resistance has been reported with maravi- roc, but specific mechanisms are still poorly understood. The most common adverse ef- fects reported with maraviroc were diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, and headache. Conclusion. Available data support the use of maraviroc, the first CCR5 antagonist to receive FDA marketing approval, as part of an optimized antiretroviral regimen in treatment-experienced patients infected with CCR5-tropic HIV. Index terms: Antiretroviral agents; Costs; Dosage; Drug administration; Drug interac- tions; HIV infections; Maraviroc; Mechanism of action; Metabolism; Pharmacokinetics; Resistance; Toxicity infected with CCR5-tropic HIV-1, who have evidence of ongoing viral replication, and who are resistant to multiple antiretroviral agents.2 Maraviroc is the first approved CCR5 antagonist and has a novel mecha- nism of action. Chemistry Maraviroc is a small-molecule CCR5-ligand and an analogue of UK-107,453, a potent imidazopyri- dine ligand-efficient lead com- pound.3 In in vitro studies, mara- viroc inhibited CCR5 signaling and chemokine-dependent stimulation, had no effect on intracellular calcium concentrations, and did not lead to CCR5 internalization. Based on these findings, maraviroc was determined to have no agonistic activity and is an antagonist, either functional or inverse, of the CCR5 receptor.3 Pharmacology Mechanism of action. It is es- sential for HIV to bind to the host cell in order to enter it, complete replication, and release new virions to further propagate infection. The cell-entry step involves the binding of the HIV glycoprotein gp120 to the host cell’s CD4 receptor. Subsequent conformational changes in gp120 uncover additional binding sites that interact with distinct proteins on the host cell membrane, known as - chemokine coreceptors.4-7 Two ma- jor coreceptors for viral entry have been identified: CCR5 and CXCR4. CCR5-tropic viral strains (or R5 viruses) are usually predominant during the early stages of HIV infec- tion, while CXCR4-tropic viruses (or X4 viruses) are associated with faster disease progression and are more likely to be encountered in patients with advanced HIV disease.8 In ad- dition, dual-tropic or mixed-virus populations, which display a broad range of ability to use both CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors, may arise over the course of the disease. CCR5 coreceptor antagonists like maraviroc inhibit the attachment of HIV to the host cell by competitively and selec- tively binding to CCR5 and blocking the interaction between gp120 and CCR5; this prevents infection of the cell (Figure 1).2,3 Dorr et al.3 evaluated maraviroc’s antiretroviral activity against prima- ry isolates of HIV-1, Group M (clades B and non-B) and Group O. The geo- metric mean concentration required to inhibit 90% of viral growth (IC90) in 43 primary HIV-1 isolates was 2.0 nM (1.03 ng/mL). An IC50 of >10 nM (5.14 ng/mL) was noted in CXCR4- tropic HIV-1 laboratory virus, a finding consistent with the lack of maraviroc activity in this viral group. The same investigators used env- recombinant pseudovirus derived from HIV-1 clinical isolates to assess the activity of maraviroc in viruses resistant and susceptible to antiretroviral drugs. They reported no biologically significant difference in susceptibility to maraviroc between pseudovirus with (n = 100) and without (n = 100) genotypic resistance to nucleoside–nucleotide reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors (PIs), regard- less of the number of resistance- associated mutations present in the pseudovirus.

Maraviroc’s antagonistic effects are limited to CCR5-tropic virus, with no antiviral activity against CXCR4-tropic or dual- or mixed- tropic HIV-1. The selectivity of maraviroc for the CCR5 coreceptor was evaluated using human immune system in vitro modeling.3 When exposed to maraviroc concentrations of >1000 times the IC50, no inhibitory activity was noted for any non-CCR5 chemokines (e.g., CCR2,
CCR3, CCR7, CXCR1, CXCR2). Importantly, in vitro evaluations found no antagonistic activity of maraviroc on other human -chemokines when maraviroc was used in combination with other antiretroviral agents.

Mechanism of resistance. In clin- ical trials, treatment failure due to the emergence of maraviroc-resistant isolates, other than CXCR4-tropic virus, was rare.9-11 Mechanisms for re- sistance are still being identified and include (1) the existence of CXCR4- tropic virus during patient screening in levels below the limit of detec- tion, (2) coreceptor switching or a mutation in the CXCR4-tropic virus arising from a CCR5 virus, and (3) a phenotypic resistance to maraviroc in a CCR5-tropic variant. No cross- resistance with other antiretroviral targets has been noted, as the CCR5 antagonists have a novel target.3

Tropism. Up to 50% of treatment-experienced patients may have non- CCR5-tropic virus.12-14 Thus, screen- ing patients with tropism assays (e.g., Trofile, Monogram Biosciences, Inc.) before maraviroc initiation is essential. Tropism assays are used to describe the coreceptor specificity (CCR5, CXCR4, dual, or mixed) of a patient’s HIV strain. The Trofile assay requires a minimum plasma viral load of 1000 copies/mL and was found to be extremely sensitive for detecting viral subpopulations con- stituting at least 10% of the total viral population.15 However, sensitivity drops to 85% if viral subpopulations are 5% or less of the total viral popu- lation. Thus, a viral subpopulation of <5% may go undetected. Further analysis of the data from the Maraviroc Versus Efavirenz Regiments As Initial Therapy (MERIT)16 and Maraviroc Plus Optimized Background Therapy In Viremic An- tiretroviral Treatment-Experienced Patients (MOTIVATE) studies17 identified 3.5% and 8% of subjects, respectively, as having CCR5-tropic virus at screening but with detect- able dual or mixed or CXCR4-tropic populations at baseline (treatment day 1). This phenomenon resulted in diminished virological and immuno- logic outcomes in maraviroc-treated subjects with the dual or mixed virus at 24 weeks. When CCR5-tropism was present at both screening and baseline, 50%, 50%, and 26% of subjects receiving maraviroc once daily, maraviroc twice daily, and an optimized background regimen (OBR) alone, respectively, were able to achieve HIV-1 RNA levels of <50 copies/mL.17 For those subjects with CCR5-tropic virus at screening but dual or mixed virus at baseline, only 27%, 18%, and 18% of subjects in the maraviroc once-daily, maraviroc twice-daily, and OBR groups were able to achieve HIV-1 RNA levels of <50 copies/mL. Interestingly, virological responses (HIV-1 RNA levels of <50 copies/mL) were lower in groups receiving efavirenz or maraviroc when baseline assessment showed dual or mixed virus rather than CCR5-tropic virus (efavirenz response: dual or mixed, 54.6% versus CCR5-tropic, 69.3%; maraviroc: dual or mixed, 7.1% versus CCR5-tropic, 68%). Exposure to CCR5 antagonists suppresses CCR5-tropic virus and may allow for the expansion or selec- tion of CXCR4-tropic populations. In an in vitro study of CCR5-tropic laboratory-adapted strains and pri- mary isolates, serial passage did not lead to the selection of CXCR4-tropic isolates.18 A study evaluating 10 days of maraviroc monotherapy (dosages ranging from 25 mg once daily to 300 mg twice daily) also addressed the issue of selective pressure.19,20 Subjects previously identified as hav- ing CCR5-tropic virus were again screened on days 1, 10, and 40 for viral tropism. Of 62 evaluable sub- jects, 2 had detectable mixed- or dual-tropic virus at day 11. By day 40, only 1 of these 2 subjects had a dual- or mixed-tropic virus detected (out to day 443), while the other subject’s virus had reverted to CCR5-tropic virus.19 Viral load reductions compa- rable to those of others subjects were still noted in these patients. Further, analysis revealed that the emergence of CXCR4-tropic virus was likely due to preexisting variants rather than coreceptor switching. Coreceptor switching. The change in tropism from CCR5-tropic virus to CXCR4-tropic virus, which is often seen with disease progression, is also being evaluated as a cause for failure of CCR5 antagonists. The question of why the change from CCR5- to CXCR4-tropic progresses so slowly has yet to be adequately answered. The transition from CCR5- to CXCR4-utilizing variants may be hampered by decreased viral replica- tion fitness, diminished coreceptor- binding efficiency, and the need for specific mutational changes to occur.21 It has been postulated that the time required to convert to a CXCR4-tropic variant may differ among CCR5- tropic viruses.21 Whether exposure to CCR5 antagonists could hasten the conversion and, if so, how this might occur have yet to be determined. CCR5-antagonist resistance. Resistance to maraviroc in CCR5-utilizing HIV-1 primary isolates (CC1/85 and RU570) has been demonstrated.18 First, to verify that these isolates were CCR5-tropic variants, a number of tests were performed. Replication of these high-level maraviroc-resistant isolates (IC50, CC1/85 > 5,600 nM [2.9 g/mL] and RU570 > 50,000 nM [25 g/mL]) was not inhibited after exposure to the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 (with and without mara- viroc), and no replication occurred after exposure to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from a CCR5 32/32 homozygous donor (with no CCR5 expressed on CD4+ cell surface). Thus, CXCR4 tropism was ruled out. However, replication was documented in the presence of PBLs from a CCR5 wt/wt donor (wild- type express CCR5), supporting the premise that CC1/85 and RU570 were CCR5 tropic.

Once authors established that CC1/85 and RU570 isolates were CCR5 tropic and not mixed-, dual-, or CXCR4 tropic, a second mecha- nism of resistance was evaluated.18 Mutations in the V3 loop of gp120 istration of maraviroc 150 mg twice daily in fed subjects.19 The minimum plasma drug concentration at steady state (Cmin) appeared to be minimally affected by food. Importantly, it did not appear that these reductions negatively affected clinical outcomes, as viral load reductions were similar in the fasting and fed groups. After 10 days of maraviroc 150 mg twice daily (day 11), the mean change in HIV-1 RNA levels was –1.45 log copies/mL for the fasting group (n = 8) and –1.34 log copies/mL for the fed group (n = 8). Thus, recommendations state that maraviroc may be administered without regard for food.2,19 In HIV- seronegative subjects, maraviroc 300 mg twice daily achieved a mean and HIV-seropositive subjects, re- spectively.19,22 Urinary and fecal excretion accounted for 20% (8% of the dose recovered as maraviroc) and 76% (25% of the dose recovered as maraviroc) of a single, oral, 300-mg radiolabeled dose after seven days.2,23 Pediatric population. Currently, there are no recommendations for the use of maraviroc in HIV-infected patients younger than 16 years of age.2 No studies have been conducted in the pediatric population.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Maraviroc is a pregnancy category B agent. However, until adequate, well- controlled trials have been complet- ed, maraviroc is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless are proposed to be the major determinants of resistance to maraviroc,
with mutations in other regions (V1, V2, V4, C3–C5) also playing an isolate-dependent role. These muta- tions allow maraviroc-resistant virus to bind to and infect CD4+ cells, even in the presence of maraviroc. Interestingly, in this study, cross- resistance was not documented with SCH-C and aplaviroc, which are also CCR5 antagonists.


The pharmacokinetics of mara- viroc have been assessed in HIV- negative and HIV-positive subjects. Maximal absorption of oral mara- viroc occurred in 0.5–4 hours and was similar in HIV-infected and noninfected subjects.19,22 In healthy subjects, the administration of mara- viroc with food appeared to signifi- cantly decrease the rate and extent of absorption of maraviroc, observed as a reduction in plasma drug concen- trations.22 In HIV-infected patients, the administration of maraviroc with food also reduced plasma maraviroc concentrations.19 A 50% and a 60% decline in mean maximum concentration (Cmax) and mean area under the concentration–time curve for the dosing interval (AUC0–12 hr), respec- tively, was observed after the adminng · hr/mL, 888 ng/mL, and 43.1 ng/mL, respectively.2 HIV-infected sub- jects received 10 days of maraviroc monotherapy in dosages ranging from 25 mg daily to 300 mg twice daily.19 After dosages of 300 mg twice daily, a mean AUC0–12hr, Cmax, and Cmin of 2550 ng · hr/ml, 618 ng/mL, and 34 ng/mL were noted, respectively.

In healthy volunteers, plasma mar- avoric concentrations after doses of 100 mg twice daily surpassed the in vitro IC .19 The volume of distribu- tion and plasma protein binding (albumin and alpha-1 glycoprotein) for maraviroc are approximately 194 L and 76%, respectively.2,23 Maraviroc appears to distribute well into genital fluid and tissues, po- tential viral reservoirs.24 After seven days of maraviroc 300 mg twice daily, the AUC0–12hr ratios of cervico-vaginal fluid:blood plasma and vaginal tissue biopsy:blood plasma were
3.9 and 1.9, respectively.24 Maraviroc has been identified as a substrate of cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoenzyme 3A (CYP3A) and is metabolized to multiple inactive metabolites.2,25 Other CYP isoenzymes have mini- mal effect on the metabolism of maraviroc. A terminal half-life of approximately 17 and 23 hours has been observed in HIV-seronegative maraviroc exposures that resulted in AUCs that were 20-fold (in rats) and 5-fold (in rabbits) higher than the AUC in humans at the recom- mended dose did not produce an increased risk of fetal abnormalities.2 Maternal exposure to maraviroc had no apparent effect on maternal fer- tility, reproductive performance, or prenatal and postnatal development of the offspring.2 Although maravi- roc has been found to be secreted in rat milk, secretion in human breast milk has not been determined. As a measure to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that HIV- infected mothers do not breastfeed their infants.26 The potential risk of HIV transmission and the unknown risk of maraviroc to nursing infants preclude the use of maraviroc in this population.

Other populations.

The use of maraviroc in subjects with hepatic or renal dysfunction has not been adequately studied. Due to the potential for increased maraviroc concentrations, maraviroc should be used with caution in patients coinfected with hepatitis B or C or patients with hepatic impairment, as maraviroc is metabolized mainly via the liver.2 With 20–25% of mara- viroc cleared by the kidneys, renal impairment may lead to decreased clearance of maraviroc. Concomitant use of CYP3A inhibitors may exacer- bate this potential. For patients with a creatinine clearance of <50 mL/ min being treated with a concurrent CYP3A4 inhibitor, the risks and benefits should be assessed on an individual basis, as such patients may have an increased risk for untoward effects of maraviroc. Currently, data assessing phar- macokinetic differences by sex, race, and age are limited. There are no recommendations for dosage adjustment in these populations, other than caution in the elderly, as hepatic and renal impairments are associated with aging, comorbidi- ties, and the use of potentially inter- acting medications.2,27 Clinical efficacy Evidence for the clinical ef- ficacy and safety of maraviroc in treatment-experienced patients was obtained from the analysis of two 48-week Phase IIb/III trials in Eu- rope, North America, and Australia: MOTIVATE 19 and MOTIVATE 2.10 In addition to these studies, maravi- roc was studied in treatment-naive patients in the MERIT study.11 While the MOTIVATE and MERIT studies focused on CCR5-tropic HIV, study A4001029 tested the potential role of maraviroc in dual or mixed tropic infection.MOTIVATE 1. In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase IIb/III trial conducted in the United States and Canada, subjects verified to have CCR5-tropic virus were enrolled in a 1:2:2 fashion into placebo, maraviroc once-daily, or maraviroc twice-daily groups.9 All subjects received an OBR consisting of three to six antiretrovirals with or without enfuviritide selected ac- cording to treatment history and re- sistance testing. Darunavir could not be part of the OBR in this study. Due to drug interactions with concurrent PI use (excluding ritonavir-boosted tipranavir), a maraviroc dosage of 150 mg once or twice daily orally was used for subjects receiving a PI in the OBR. Maraviroc 300-mg doses were administered once or twice daily in all other subjects. Subjects were enrolled if they had CCR5-tropic HIV-1, had HIV RNA concentrations of 5000 copies/mL, had a stable antiretroviral regimen prestudy or no antiretrovirals for four or more weeks, were at least 16 years old, and had documented resistance against or class experience with each of three classes of antiretrovirals or two PIs for at least six months. The change from baseline HIV-1 RNA levels (1 log decrease from baseline) at 48 weeks was the primary virological efficacy endpoint, while secondary endpoints assessed the percentage of subjects achieving HIV-1 RNA con- centrations of <50 and <400 copies/ mL, immunologic response (change in CD4 cell count from baseline), and time to treatment failure.9 Baseline characteristics were similar among groups with mean HIV-1 RNA concentrations of 4.85, 4.86, and 4.84 log copies/mL for the groups receiving maraviroc once daily (n = 232), maraviroc twice daily (n = 235), and placebo (n = 118), respectively.9 Median CD4 cell counts were not sig- nificantly different among the groups receiving maraviroc once daily, mar- aviroc twice daily, and placebo (168, 150, and 160 cells/mm3, respectively). The 48-week intent-to-treat analy- sis showed a significant decrease in mean HIV-1 RNA concentrations for subjects receiving maraviroc once daily (change, –1.66 log copies/mL; difference, –0.85; 97.5% confidence interval [CI], –1.22 to –0.49) and maraviroc twice daily (change, –1.82 log copies/mL; difference, –1.02; 97.5% CI, –1.39 to –0.66) compared with placebo (change, –0.80 log copy/ mL). Mean CD4+ cell counts signifi- cantly increased by 113 and 122 cells/ mm3 in the maraviroc once-daily and maraviroc twice-daily groups versus an increase of 54 cells/mm3 in the placebo (OBR only) group (p < 0.0001). Percentages of subjects at- taining HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <400 and <50 copies/mL in the maraviroc once-daily, maraviroc twice-daily, and placebo groups were 50.9% and 41.8%, 57.5% and 46.8%, and 22.0% and 16.1%, re- spectively. The differences between the maraviroc-treatment and pla- cebo groups were significant at 48 weeks (p < 0.0001). First-time users of enfuvirtide achieved HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 copies/mL in 64%, 61%, and 27% of subjects in the maraviroc once-daily, maraviroc twice-daily, and placebo groups, re- spectively. Grade 3 or 4 adverse events were reported in 26%, 33%, and 32% in the maraviroc once-daily, maravi- roc twice-daily, and control groups, respectively. Six percent of subjects in the maraviroc once-daily and placebo groups and 5% in the mara- viroc twice-daily group discontinued therapy due to adverse events. Overall, no significant differences were noted among groups regarding toxicities. MOTIVATE 2. MOTIVATE 2 was conducted in Europe, Australia, and North America.10 Both MOTIVATE 1 and MOTIVATE 2 used the same inclusion criteria and assessed the same virological and immunologic endpoints. As in MOTIVATE 1, daru- navir use was restricted. Mean base- line HIV-1 RNA concentrations were similar among groups: 4.89, 4.87, and 4.84 log copies/mL in the placebo (n = 91), maraviroc once-daily (n = 182), and maraviroc twice-daily (n = 191) groups, respectively. Median baseline CD4+ cell counts were simi- lar for the placebo (174 cells/mm3), maraviroc once-daily (173 cells/ mm3), and maraviroc twice-daily (182 cells/mm3) groups. The mean change in HIV-1 RNA concentration from baseline was –0.76 log copy/ mL (placebo), –1.72 log copies/mL (maraviroc once daily), and –1.87 log copies/mL (maraviroc twice daily). An increase in mean CD4+ cells from baseline was noted for the maraviroc once-daily and twice-daily groups (increase of 121 and 128 cells/mm3, respectively) compared with the placebo group (increase of 69 cells/ mm3). Significantly more subjects in the maraviroc-treated groups were able to achieve HIV-1 RNA concen- trations of <400 and <50 copies/ mL (53% and 45% in the maraviroc once-daily group, respectively, p < 0.0001; 55% and 46% in the mara- viroc twice-daily group, respectively, p < 0.0001; and 23% and 17% in the placebo group, respectively). The percentage of subjects who discon- tinued maraviroc due to drug toxic- ity ranged from 4.4% to 5.2% across the three groups. MOTIVATE 1 and 2: 48-week pooled data analysis. Since MOTIVATE 1 and MOTIVATE 2 used identical study designs and endpoints, the results of the two trials were pooled for further analysis.29 The efficacy endpoints have been reported for each MOTIVATE study above. In regard to adverse effects, discon- tinuation attributed to toxicity was approximately 5–6% in all groups. Grade 3 or 4 adverse events were reported in approximately 29% in the placebo and maraviroc once- daily groups and 35% in the mara- viroc twice-daily group. Grade 3 or 4 elevations in hepatic transaminase levels were seen in <4% of subjects across all three study groups. The most common adverse effects re- ported in all groups were diarrhea (>20%), nausea (>15%), fatigue (>10%), and headache (>10%).

Upper-respiratory-tract infections were reported in >10% of the mara- viroc once-daily and twice-daily groups and in approximately 5–6% of the placebo group. No statistical analysis of adverse events among groups was reported.

Causes of treatment failure in the MOTIVATE 1 and 2 trials have been assessed.17 Maraviroc treat- ment failure occurred in 242 subjects
(23%).17 In each maraviroc-treated group, 7.5% of subjects who did not respond to maraviroc had CCR5- tropic virus at baseline but had non-CCR5-tropic virus at the time of virological failure, compared with only 1.9% in the placebo group. Ap- proximately 4% of individuals in each maraviroc-treated group and 38% of subjects in the placebo group remained CCR5-tropic at the time of virological failure. The presence of non-CCR5-tropic populations at screening or baseline was considered as a potential cause of maraviroc fail- ure, as non-CCR5 failure occurred an average of 30 days sooner than did CCR5 failure.17 The rate of CDC category C AIDS-defining events was low in all treatment groups (<7%).29 MOTIVATE 1 and 2: Once-daily versus twice-daily dosing. Pooled 24-week data from MOTIVATE 1 and 2 were analyzed to assess the safety and efficacy of once-daily versus twice-daily maraviroc plus OBRs.30 As with MOTIVATE 1 and 2, the primary efficacy endpoint was change in HIV-1 RNA levels from baseline to 24 weeks. Secondary endpoints included the percentage of subjects achieving HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 and <400 copies/mL. For further subgroup analysis, subjects were stratified by baseline HIV-1 RNA concentrations (>100,000 copies/mL), CD4+ cell count, and number of active drugs in the OBR. A decrease of 1.88 log and 1.96 log copies/mL was reported for the maraviroc once-daily (n = 414) and maraviroc twice-daily (n = 426) groups, respectively, compared with 0.99 log copy/mL in the control group (n = 209). Significantly more subjects in the once-daily and twice- daily groups achieved HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 copies/mL (44% and 45%, respectively) com- pared with subjects receiving placebo (23%) (p < 0.0001). In the subgroup analysis across baseline HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ strata, the maraviroc- treated groups were more likely to achieve HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 copies/mL versus placebo. In a comparison of the maraviroc once- and twice-daily groups, a trend toward better virological efficacy was reported for the group receiving the twice-daily regimen compared with the once-daily regimen. MERIT. This randomized, double- blind, Phase III noninferiority study conducted in North America, South America, Australia, and Europe com- pared maraviroc 300 mg twice daily to efavirenz 600 mg once daily in treatment-naive patients, with both groups receiving zidovudine 300 mg plus lamivudine 150 mg twice daily.11 Patients were enrolled if they had CCR5-tropic HIV-1 and an HIV RNA concentration of >2000 copies/ mL. Exclusion criteria included an active and untreated opportunistic infection, current treatment for an opportunistic infection or an unex- plained temperature of >38.5 C for more than 7 days, prior treatment with antiretroviral therapy for more than 14 days, suspected acute HIV infection, and genotypic or pheno- typic resistance to efavirenz, zidovu- dine, or lamivudine.

A total of 721 patients were randomized to receive either maraviroc twice daily (n = 360) or efavirenz (n = 361); a trial of an additional 205 patients receiving maraviroc 300 mg once daily was discontinued after 16 weeks due to lack of noninferior- ity to efavirenz.11 For this analysis, noninferiority was defined as a dif- ference of no more than –10% (lower bound of 97.5% CI) between groups. Patients were stratified by baseline viral load and geographic location (Northern versus Southern Hemi- sphere). Primary endpoints included the percentage of subjects achieving HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 and <400 copies/mL at 48 weeks. The mean baseline HIV-1 RNA con- centrations were 4.88 log copies/mL in the efavirenz group and 4.86 log copies/mL in the maraviroc group. Median baseline CD4+ cell counts were 254 and 241 cells/mm3 for the efavirenz and maraviroc groups, re- spectively. Maraviroc was found to be noninferior to efavirenz in achieving HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <400 copies/mL at week 48 (73.1% versus 70.6% for efavirenz and maraviroc, respectively) (difference, –3.0%; low- er bound of 97.5% CI, –9.5%). For the endpoint of HIV RNA concentra- tions of <50 copies/mL, maraviroc was not noninferior to efavirenz (65.3% of patients treated with mara- viroc versus 69.3% of patients treated with efavirenz) (difference, –4.2%; lower bound of 97.5% CI, –10.9%). In patients with baseline viral loads exceeding 100,000 copies/mL, HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 copies/ mL were achieved in 66.6% and 59.6% of patients in the efavirenz and maraviroc groups, respectively. In patients with baseline viral loads of <100,000 copies/mL, 71.6% in the efavirenz group and 69.6% in the maraviroc group achieved HIV-1 RNA concentrations of <50 copies/ mL. At 48 weeks, maraviroc-treated patients achieved a significantly larger mean increase from baseline in CD4+ cell count (170 cells/mm3) compared with efavirenz (144 cells/ mm3). While there was little differ- ence in the Northern Hemisphere groups achieving viral loads of <50 copies/mL, a notable difference was seen in the Southern Hemisphere groups (71% in the efavirenz group versus 62.1% in the maraviroc group). Overall, discontinuation rates were similar between groups (near 25%). Through the 48 weeks of the MERIT trial, more patients dis- continued maraviroc due to lack of efficacy (43 of 360 patients, 11.9%) than discontinued efavirenz (15 of 361 patients, 4.2%). However, more subjects discontinued efavirenz due to adverse events (49 of 361 patients, 13.6%) than discontinued maraviroc (15 of 360 patients, 4.2%). Grade 3 or 4 adverse effects regarding liver func- tion test values were reported in <4% of either group. The use of efavirenz was associated with a slightly greater increase in lipids from baseline com- pared with maraviroc. Maraviroc is not currently approved for use in patients not previously treated with antiretrovirals. Maraviroc in CXCR4 dual- or mixed-tropic HIV (A4001029). The possibility of a shift to CXCR4- tropic virus due to selective pressure associated with the use of CCR5 antagonists, particularly in dual- or mixed-tropic populations, is con- cerning. The goal of study A4001029 was to assess the efficacy and safety of maraviroc in patients identified to have dual- or mixed-tropic R5/ X4 HIV-1 populations.28 In this ongoing, double-blind, placebo- controlled study, maraviroc 300 mg once daily and 300 mg twice daily plus OBR were compared with OBR alone. In addition to a viral load of >5000 copies/mL and documented multiple-class experience or resis- tance, dual- or mixed-tropic HIV-1 virus had to be identified for patient inclusion in the trial. Detection of CCR5-tropic virus resulted in exclu- sion from this study. Study endpoints included HIV-1 RNA change from baseline, percentage of patients achieving viral loads of <400 and <50 copies/mL, and change in CD4+ cell count. A total of 167 subjects were identified with dual- or mixed- tropic virus at baseline. At 24 weeks, the mean change in viral RNA copies from baseline was similar among all groups at –0.91, –1.2, and –0.97 log copies/mL for the maraviroc once- daily, maraviroc twice-daily, and placebo groups, respectively. These values for maraviroc were neither superior nor noninferior to placebo for this endpoint. Statistical signifi- cance was only shown during post hoc analysis of CD4+ cell counts in which maraviroc twice daily showed a mean increase of 62.4 cells/mm3 versus a mean increase of 35.7 cells/ mm3 in the placebo group (p < 0.05). For patients with dual- or mixed- tropic virus, there was no statistical improvement in the percentage of patients achieving undetectable HIV RNA concentrations (either <400 or <50 cells/mL). Safety Adverse drug reactions. Maraviroc was well tolerated in clinical trials.9-11 Reactions in subjects receiving mara- viroc compared with placebo, respec- tively, are as follows (>5% frequency in trials): upper-respiratory-tract in- fection (20.0% versus 11.5%), cough and associated symptoms (12.7% versus 4.8%), pyrexia (12.0% versus 8.1%), rash (9.6% versus 4.8%), musculoskeletal or connective tissue signs and symptoms (8.7% versus 7.7%), dizziness or postural dizziness (8.2% versus 7.7%), abdominal pain (8.2% versus 7.7%), appetite
disorders (7.3% versus 6.2%), sleep disturbances (7.0% versus 4.3%), herpes infection (6.8% versus 3.8%), sinusitis (6.3% versus 3.3%), joint signs and symptoms (6.1% ver- sus 2.9%), bronchitis (5.9% versus 4.3%), and constipation (5.4% versus 2.9%).2 Dropout rates due to adverse drug events in the MOTIVATE9,10 and MERIT11 trials were 4–6% and were similar to the dropout rates in the placebo groups.

Hepatotoxicity. Maraviroc car- ries a black-box warning regarding hepatotoxicity.2 Hepatotoxicity may be preceded by systemic allergic symptoms, including an itchy rash or increased eosinophils. Immedi- ate medical attention should be sought by patients exhibiting signs or symptoms of allergic reaction or liver inflammation while taking maraviroc. Caution is warranted for patients with preexisting hepatitis B or C infection or liver dysfunction.2 The origin of this black-box warn- ing may be traced to aplaviroc, an investigational CCR5 antagonist. The development of aplaviroc was halted due to reports of hepatotoxicity in a number of subjects enrolled in Phase IIb/III trials.31 As such, the potential for hepatotoxicity associated with maraviroc use has been extensively evaluated and reported.32 In clinical trials, grade 3 or 4 liver enzyme el- evations were reported in <4–5% of subjects receiving maraviroc.9-11,32 In pooled data from the MOTIVATE 1 and 2 studies, discontinuations due to hepatic adverse effects occurred in 1.4% of subjects in each of the mara- viroc once-daily, maraviroc twice- daily, and placebo groups.32 Similar results were seen in the MERIT trial, as 6 subjects in both the maraviroc group (n = 360) and efavirenz group (n = 361) discontinued treatment due to adverse hepatic events.32 Of note, in the MERIT study, one case of severe hepatotoxicity resulting in liver transplantation occurred in an HIV–hepatitis C-coinfected pa- tient who received maraviroc (four doses) in addition to isoniazid, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, and parenteral acetaminophen dur- ing the study period.32,33 The study’s data safety and monitoring board concluded that maraviroc could not be excluded as a causative agent but that other administered medications were more likely the cause.32,33 Based on the available safety data from Phase II and III trials of maraviroc and additional data from Phase II studies of vicriviroc, an investiga- tional CCR5 antagonist, it does not appear that hepatotoxicity is a class effect of CCR5 antagonists.32,34 How- ever, caution should be exercised until more information is available on long-term exposure and in special populations (e.g., hepatitis B and C- coinfected patients). Lipid and cardiovascular effects. The MERIT trial found a minimal median change of 1, 4, –3, and –4 mg/ dL in total cholesterol, high-density- lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density- lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyc- eride levels, respectively, with the use of maraviroc in antiretroviral-naive subjects.11 Maraviroc should be used with caution in patients with an in- creased risk of cardiovascular events. In clinical trials, myocardial ischemia or infarction occurred in 1.3% of patients taking maraviroc versus 0% in the placebo group.2 Those subjects identified with myocardial ischemia or infarction were found to have pre- vious cardiac risk factors or disease. Postural hypotension was a con- cern with the use of maraviroc in Phase I trials and was considered to be dose related.35,36 Postural hy- potension was identified in four of nine subjects receiving 1200 mg of maraviroc. In pooled data from the MOTIVATE trials, dizziness and postural dizziness were reported in 8.2% of subjects using maraviroc.2,36 At labeled doses, postural hypoten- sion is unlikely; however, if proper dosage adjustments are not made for concomitant interacting agents, increased exposures to maraviroc may occur and the potential risk of postural hypotension will increase. Infection risk and malignancies. Early concerns were expressed regarding the potential for CCR5 antagonists to increase the risk of infection and malignancies. The CCR5 coreceptor has a largely un- known role in human infection. A natural gene mutation (CCR5-32) leads to reduced or absent expression of CCR5 on immune cell surfaces in some individuals who appear to benefit from natural resistance to or reduced progression of HIV infec- tion. No differences were noted in the rate of AIDS-defining category C illness between placebo and mara- viroc groups in MOTIVATE 1 and 2 or MERIT.9-11 Higher rates of upper- respiratory-tract infections (20.5% versus 11.5%) and herpes virus infec- tions (11.4 per 100 patient-years versus 8.2 per 100 patient-years) were reported for maraviroc compared with placebo.2 In a Phase II study evaluating the safety and efficacy of vicriviroc, 6 subjects receiving vicri- viroc (n = 90) were diagnosed with a malignancy (2 with Hodgkin’s dis- ease, 2 with non-Hodgkin’s lympho- ma, 1 with gastric adenocarcinoma, 1 with human papillomavirus [HPV]-related squamous cell carcinoma) compared with 2 subjects receiving placebo (n = 28) (1 with multiple cu- taneous squamous cell carcinoma, 1 with HPV-related perianal squamous cell carcinoma), though 1 patient ultimately received vicriviroc.34 Two of the 6 subjects with malignancies in the vicriviroc group had a history of malignancy, and 1 of the 2 subjects in the placebo group had a history of malignancy. Currently, no definitive association between the use of the CCR5 coreceptor antagonist and the onset of malignancy has been deter- mined. Based on available evidence for maraviroc, no increased risk of malignancies has been documented after short-term use.2,9-11 Continued monitoring of short-term and long- term use of maraviroc and its immu- nologic effects are necessary. Drug interactions. Maraviroc is metabolized by CYP, primarily CYP3A4.25 As such, coadministration with known CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers has been shown to increase or decrease plasma concentrations of maraviroc, respectively.25,37,38 The following is a summary of drug– drug interactions between maraviroc and other agents studied in healthy subjects. The concomitant use of either ke- toconazole (400 mg daily) or saquin- avir 1200 mg (as the mesylate) three time daily with maraviroc compared with maraviroc alone led to a greater than 300% increase in maraviroc’s C .38 The maraviroc AUC for the dosing interval increased by approxi- mately 500% and 400% with coad- ministration with ketoconazole and saquinavir, respectively, compared with maraviroc monotherapy. Mini- mal changes were seen with maravi- roc’s half-life or time to maximum absorption. The effects of combining atazanavir with or without ritonavir on maraviroc (300 mg twice daily) phar- macokinetics were studied.39 Ataza- navir in combination with maraviroc increased maraviroc’s AUC and Cmax by 360% and 210%, respectively. The concurrent administration of atazanavir, ritonavir, and maraviroc increased maraviroc’s AUC and Cmax by 490% and 270%, respectively. Compared with maraviroc alone, adding lopinavir 400 mg plus ritona- vir 100 mg twice daily to maraviroc 300 mg twice daily led to an increased maraviroc exposure of 3.9-fold in addition, maraviroc is expected to have little impact on the metabolism of other CYP substrates.25 Coadmin- istration of maraviroc had minimal effect on the pharmacokinetics of oral contraceptives42 or tenofovir.43 Dosage and administration Maraviroc is formulated in 150- and 300-mg tablets, with standard verify the patient has CCR5-tropic virus. The Trofile assay list price is approximately $2000.45 The cost of the tropism assay is covered by most third-party insurance carriers, as well as Medicare and Medicaid and, in some states, the AIDS Drug Assis- tance Programs. Cost The average wholesale cost of 60 class of antiretroviral agents, CCR5 coreceptor antagonists, to be ap- proved for marketing by FDA. Maraviroc acts as a highly selective and potent inhibitor of CCR5-tropic virus and has been shown to lack ef- ficacy in patients with dual- or mixed or CXCR4-tropic virus.9-11 Thus, the antiviral effect of maraviroc will de- pend on the viral strain encountered. CCR5 antagonists are thought to be more effective earlier in the disease because of the predominance of CCR5-tropic virus at earlier stages. However, the strongest data for mar- aviroc comes from the MOTIVATE trials in which it displayed significant and high virological efficacy in com- bination with OBR in treatment- experienced patients infected with CCR5-tropic virus and multiple resistant mutations who were not responding to therapy.9,10,29 Based on results of the MERIT trial, maraviroc is not approved or recommended in treatment-naive patients.11 CCR5-tropic virus is the predominant virus encountered, though CXCR4-tropic virus strains are more likely encountered, in patients with advanced HIV disease. Results from Phase III clinical trials showed that approximately half of the treatment-600 mg daily did not affect endog- enous glucocorticoid metabolism, measured by changes in the 6- hydroxcortisol:cortisol ratio (ex- pected to increase in the presence of CYP3A4 inducer). These results sug- gest that maraviroc has a limited role as a CYP3A4 inhibitor or inducer. In Therefore, cost could be $1044 monthly for a dosage of 150 mg twice daily, $2088 monthly for 300 mg twice daily, or $4176 monthly for 600 mg twice daily. This cost would be in addition to the cost of other antiretroviral agents in the patient’s regimen. Before initiating maraviroc, a tropism assay is recommended to screened in these trials harbored CCR5-tropic viral strains, with an unknown percentage of minor- ity quasispecies showing CXCR4- tropism. The Trofile coreceptor tropism assay is commercially avail- able to detect the presence of CCR5, CXCR4, or dual- or mixed-tropic virus. The tropism assay can detect CXCR4-tropic virus nearly 100% of the time when it comprises at least 10% of the total viral population and 85% of the time when it comprises 5% of the total viral population.27 A tropism assay is recommended before initiating treatment with a CCR5 antagonist or in those patients experiencing virological failure on a CCR5 antagonist.27 The tropism assay requires a viral load of >1000 copies/ mL, and the results are available in two weeks. Upon receiving confirma- tion of the presence of CCR5-tropic virus, maraviroc can be initiated in combination with two or more addi- tional active agents selected based on available genotypic and phenotypic data and clinical evidence.

One concern with the CCR5 antagonists is that they may induce a tropism change to either a dual- or mixed-tropic virus or a predomi- nately CXCR4-tropic virus. This is concerning because CXCR4-tropic virus is generally associated with a faster disease progression. In one Phase III clinical trial, more pa- tients in the maraviroc group had a change in tropism to a dual-tropic or CXCR4-tropic virus at the time of treatment failure compared with pla- cebo.9,10,14 It may be more likely that CXCR4-using variants emerge from a preexisting reservoir rather than by coreceptor tropism switch.

Additional concerns regarding the potential for increased infection, malignancies, and hepatotoxicity with the use of maraviroc exist. As more information on the long-term use of this agent becomes available, the association between maraviroc and these conditions will be better defined. Until then, vigilance should be exercised when monitoring mara- viroc use.

Overall, maraviroc has been generally well tolerated to date, is conveniently administered, and of- fers a novel mechanism of action. Maraviroc’s place in therapy for the near future appears to be for the man- agement of treatment-experienced patients currently receiving OBR and identified as having CCR5- tropic virus. Considering maraviroc failed to meet noninferiority criteria compared with efavirenz, the lack of long-term safety data, and the need to perform a tropism assay before initiating therapy, maraviroc use in treatment-naive patients is not cur- rently recommended.

Future research

Data analysis continues on the 48-week Phase III MOTIVATE 146 and 247 and MERIT48 clinical trials. Additional reports are also expected regarding the use of maraviroc in the dual- or mixed- and CXCR4- tropic populations.49 A Phase III study is currently recruiting patients to evaluate the safety and tolerabil- ity of maraviroc in a more diverse population of HIV patients with no or limited treatment options due to treatment failure or intolerance.50 A Phase II study is planned to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of atazanavir– r itonavir with emtricitabine–tenofovir to a five- drug multiclass regimen including emtricitabine–tenofovir, atazanavir– ritonavir, maraviroc, and raltegravir in acutely HIV-1 infected, treatment- naive patients.51 The primary out- come of this study is the percentage of patients having detectable viral loads after 48 weeks of treatment. Future studies are warranted to de- termine whether CCR5 antagonists induce tropism changes and if this change leads to disease progres- sion. Additional studies evaluating maraviroc safety and efficacy in treatment-naive and treatment- experienced patients, as well as in pediatric, pregnant, and other spe- cial populations, are warranted.


Available data support the use of maraviroc, the first CCR5 antagonist to receive FDA marketing approval, as part of an optimized antiretroviral regimen in treatment-experienced patients infected with CCR5-tropic HIV.

After this manuscript was accepted for publication, a more sensitive tropism test was developed and validated. This tropism assay replaces the previous assay and is still com- mercially available under the name Trofile. The enhanced assay is 100% sensitive in detecting 0.3% CXCR4- tropic minor variants.52 As previ- ously noted, the Trofile tropism assay requires a viral load of >1000 copies/ mL and should be performed before the initiation of maraviroc.


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